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The success story highlights the challenges and initial situation of a project at the CSS Group that dealt with the budget...
Starrag AG was faced with the challenge of automating manual processes in the finance department, in particular the time-consuming creation of the...
About Bachem The company specializing in chemistry, biochemistry and...
About Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd was founded...
Coop Mineraloel AG steers safely through the crisis thanks to predictive analytics: Coop Mineraloel AG is using predictive...
SBB AG in a nutshell Swiss Federal Railways Ltd...
More efficient reporting:Successful development and implementation of a structured process for monthly consolidated financial statements...
With automation in the extrapolation, Sto SE &...
Business Objects, Data Science, disclosure management, consolidation, planning, predictive analytics, forecasting
SAP SEM-BCS | Re-design of IFRS notes in the annual financial statements: Optimization of the...
Planning of the corporate groupSystem-based data entry and consolidation of P&L-related planning in SAP About...